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- Short: Amiga PPC port of ADoom v1.4
- Author: Jarmo Laakkonen (jami.laakkonen@kolumbus.fi
- Type: game/shoot
- Uploader: Jarmo Laakkonen (jami.laakkonen@kolumbus.fi)
- ==========================================================================
- ADoom PPC 1.4
- ==========================================================================
- Version 1.4 by Jarmo Laakkonen (jami.laakkonen@kolumbus.fi) based on
- the version 1.3 by Joseph Fenton. Read the section "History" to see
- what has changed since version 1.3.
- Based on the code by Peter McGavin
- Please do not contact Joseph Fenton about this version. He has nothing to
- do with it. Contact only me (Jarmo Laakkonen) in case of problems.
- 19.07.2000
- ==========================================================================
- This archive contains a PPC port of Peter McGavin's ADoom.
- ADoom is a port of ID Software's Linux DOOM. You can get the original
- ID Software Linux DOOM source from:
- ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/idgames/idstuff/source/doomsrc.zip
- Source code for ADoomPPC is in a seperate archive available on AmiNet
- and Amiga DOOM sites.
- ADoomPPC multitasks and complies with PowerUP and WarpOS PPC standards; it
- uses an Amiga standard library for high-quality sound effects and music.
- ADoomPPC uses ASL to request the screen mode unless overridden by
- the user in the parameters. ECS & OCS are not supported and AGA is
- not recommended, but allowed.
- ADoomPPC allows the selection of resolutions higher than 320x200.
- Resolutions up to 1600x1280 are allowable, but require a fast PPC.
- For people who really need the speed, low detail mode is also
- supported.
- All the features of ADoom 1.2 are supported by ADoomPPC; these
- include: DeHackEd file support (.DEH config files), IPX, TCP/IP,
- null modem cable link-up, frames-per-second display, and auto-map
- on the heads-up display.
- ADoomPPC 1.3 adds native AGA support; AGA graphics are nearly the
- same speed as a video card! It also makes the save games compatible
- with ADoom (and other DOOM conversions).
- ADoomPPC 1.4 adds a WarpOS executable with chunkyppc.library suppport
- and some bugfixes in the PowerUP version.
- Installation
- ============
- Copy ADoomPPC to any drawer you wish. If you have gotten the MIDI
- instruments file (available in another archive due to its size), copy
- it to the same drawer.
- Included are two libraries for playing music and sound effects.
- Copy doomsound.library to your libs: drawer if you have a 68040/PPC
- combo card; copy doomsound.library.060 as doomsound.library to your
- libs: drawer if you have a 68060/PPC combo card. The only difference
- between the two is that the normal version uses a quad multiply for
- pitch bending and the 060 version uses a floating point multiply. The
- normal version WILL work on the 060; it is just slightly slower.
- If you do not copy one of the two libraries into the libs: drawer,
- you will only get 4 channel, non-panned sound effects.
- Copy a WAD file to the same drawer; if you wish to use the WAD file in
- a different drawer, see the instructions concerning WAD files below.
- Requirements
- ============
- ADoomPPC requires an Amiga PPC accelerator with ppc.library v45.13
- or powerpc.library v15 and OS 3.0 or newer.
- ADoomPPC requires AGA video or a graphics card (recommended).
- ADoomPPC requires a WAD file compatible with DOOM for the PC or
- Macintosh; Hastings is selling a compilation of The Ultimate DOOM,
- DOOM II, and Final DOOM for around $20 (US); get it. Only whimps
- use the shareware wad file.
- The WarpOS version of ADoomPPC supports chunkyppc.library, but it's
- not required.
- WAD Files
- =========
- WAD files must be in the program directory or in the directory
- specified by the environment variable DOOMWADDIR. E.G.,
- will check GAMES:DOOM/WAD_FILES/ for the WAD files.
- The -waddir option can also be used to specify the directory of the
- main WAD file. E.G.,
- ADoomPPC -waddir WAD_FILES/
- will check the directory WAD_FILES relative to the current directory
- for a main WAD file. The '/' is optional. The path may also be an
- absolute path like in the environment example above.
- Some older Registered WAD files may not work due to later changes
- made to the WAD file contents.
- It is possible to upgrade at least some old main WAD files using
- freely available patches from ftp://ftp.idsoftware.com/idstuff/doom/.
- You need a PC to apply the patches.
- Playstation WAD files do not work as they are split by level and
- compressed.
- WAD files from games derived from DOOM (such as Heretic or Hexen)
- do not work due to differences in WAD contents.
- The Ultimate DOOM WAD file must be named DOOMU.WAD to work.
- Patch WAD Files
- ===============
- Patch WAD files are used to change graphics, sounds, and level
- designs on DOOM; many are available on CDROM and the net. A
- patch wad file is specified with ADoomPPC using the -file option.
- E.G., ADoomPPC -file DMINATOR.WAD (my personal favorite).
- Patch wads can only be used with the appropriate Registered
- WAD file (DOOM, DOOMU, or DOOM2). Please read the readme that
- accompanies the patch wad for more specific information on the
- patch wad requirements.
- A full path can be used with the -file option in case the patch
- wad is in another drawer. Multiple patch wads may be specified.
- E.G.,
- ADoomPPC -file patch1.wad patch2.wad patch3.wad
- Do not ask me about specific patch wads as I have neither to
- time nor the inclination to bother with them.
- Disk Loading
- ============
- ADoomPPC is faster when some kind of disk cacheing is used. Either
- a disk cache program such as DynamiCache, or the use of AddBuffers
- make a tremendous difference in the performance of ADoomPPC.
- AddBuffers is used as follows:
- AddBuffers GAMES: 1024
- where you substitute the name of the partition ADoomPPC is on for
- GAMES:. I recommend adding at least 500 buffers; the more the
- better. In fact, if you have enough RAM, copy the WAD file to
- RAM: for the best speed.
- PPC Specifics
- =============
- The bus clock controls the timing in ADoomPPC; if it is not set to
- the right value, ADoomPPC may run funny and the FPS counter will be
- inaccurate. The bus clock is automatically computed at the start
- using information supplied by the ppc.library. If the information
- is not correct (some versions of the ppc.library return the wrong
- clock information on newer PPC accelerators), you can override the
- computed value; to do this, specify -bus <frequncy>. E.G.,
- ADoomPPC -bus 40000000
- runs ADoomPPC with the bus clock set to 40MHz.
- ChunkyPPC
- =========
- ChunkyPPC support can be activated with the option -chunkyppc.
- ChunkyPPC support is only available in the WarpOS version of ADoomPPC.
- chunkyppc.library supports the following enviroment variables,
- ADoomWOS/dbuf:
- Use Doublebuffering
- ADoomWOS/oldstyle
- If this is set, ScrollVPort will be used, else Triple Buffering using
- ScreenBuffers.
- ADoomWOS/wb
- If this is set, a Workbench Window will be used, not a screen
- ADoomWOS/pip
- If this is set, a Picture in Picture will be used using the Picasso96API.library.
- Note: Not all Graphics Boards Support this. Currently only P96 PIP is supported,
- not CGX. Maybe in the future...
- ADoomWOS/pipnoclear
- If this is set to 1, the PIP won't be cleared when opened.
- ADoomWOS/rtgmaster
- Use rtgmaster Screenmode Requester instead of ASL one. rtgmaster.library
- will only be opened when this option is set, so that rtgmaster.library
- does not need to be installed to be able to use chunkyppc.library.
- ADoomWOS/resize
- Set Resizing Factor of PIP (from 1.0 to whatever... does not need to be
- an integer number...)
- ADoomWOS/likecgx
- If you want CGX-like WB Window Support for P96 (Faster, but Window Borders
- disappear). For CGX it is automatically set, as it is the only possible
- method for CGX to reach (at least for 16 Bit) WB Window Support, for P96
- it is optional.
- lockingmode:
- Set this to 0 for best performance on gfx cards.
- Resolution
- ==========
- The default resolution for ADoomPPC is 320x200 and is the fastest
- resolution to run in. If you have more CPU power than you know
- what to do with, you can run ADoomPPC in higher resolutions by
- using the -width & -height options. E.G.,
- ADoomPPC -width 640 -height 480
- runs ADoomPPC in 640x480 resolution; select a 640x480 display
- mode when the ASL screenmode requester appears.
- The resolution must be a multiple of 64 for AGA graphics, and
- 32 for graphics cards.
- Pressing F5 toggles between high detail and low detail in any
- resolution.
- The maximum resolution is 1600x1280. Don't bother unless you
- have a 275MHz G3 PPC.
- Note that certain resolutions may overflow the cache, slowing
- the performance of the game.
- The following table was done by Peter McGavin. It shows for each
- standard resolution how many pixels can be rendered vertically in
- the cache and whether it's expected to be fast or not on a 603e or
- 604e. O means yes, x means no.
- Resolution Pix in cache Fast or not
- W H 603e 604e 603e 604e
- -------------------------------------
- 320x 200 256 512 O O
- 320x 240 256 512 O O
- 352x 220 512 1024 O O
- 352x 264 512 1024 O O
- 384x 240 128 256 x O
- 384x 288 128 256 x x
- 416x 260 512 1024 O O
- 416x 312 512 1024 O O
- 448x 280 256 512 x O
- 448x 336 256 512 x O
- 480x 300 512 1024 O O
- 480x 360 512 1024 O O
- 512x 320 32 64 x x
- 512x 384 32 64 x x
- 544x 340 512 1024 O O
- 544x 408 512 1024 O O
- 576x 360 256 512 x O
- 576x 432 256 512 x O
- 608x 380 512 1024 O O
- 608x 456 512 1024 O O
- 640x 400 128 256 x x
- 640x 480 128 256 x x
- 672x 420 512 1024 O O
- 672x 504 512 1024 O O
- 704x 440 256 512 x O
- 704x 528 256 512 x x
- 736x 460 512 1024 O O
- 736x 552 512 1024 x O
- 768x 480 64 128 x x
- 768x 576 64 128 x x
- 800x 500 512 1024 O O
- 800x 600 512 1024 x O
- 832x 520 256 512 x x
- 832x 624 256 512 x x
- 864x 540 512 1024 x O
- 864x 648 512 1024 x O
- 896x 560 128 256 x x
- 896x 672 128 256 x x
- 928x 580 512 1024 x O
- 928x 696 512 1024 x O
- 960x 600 256 512 x x
- 960x 720 256 512 x x
- 992x 620 512 1024 x O
- 992x 744 512 1024 x O
- 1024x 640 16 32 x x
- 1024x 768 16 32 x x
- 1056x 660 512 1024 x O
- 1056x 792 512 1024 x O
- 1088x 680 256 512 x x
- 1088x 816 256 512 x x
- 1120x 700 512 1024 x O
- 1120x 840 512 1024 x O
- 1152x 720 128 256 x x
- 1152x 864 128 256 x x
- 1184x 740 512 1024 x O
- 1184x 888 512 1024 x O
- 1216x 760 256 512 x x
- 1216x 912 256 512 x x
- 1248x 780 512 1024 x O
- 1248x 936 512 1024 x O
- 1280x 800 64 128 x x
- 1280x 960 64 128 x x
- 1312x 820 512 1024 x O
- 1312x 984 512 1024 x O
- 1344x 840 256 512 x x
- 1344x1008 256 512 x x
- 1376x 860 512 1024 x O
- 1376x1032 512 1024 x x
- 1408x 880 128 256 x x
- 1408x1056 128 256 x x
- 1440x 900 512 1024 x O
- 1440x1080 512 1024 x x
- 1472x 920 256 512 x x
- 1472x1104 256 512 x x
- 1504x 940 512 1024 x O
- 1504x1128 512 1024 x x
- 1536x 960 32 64 x x
- 1536x1152 32 64 x x
- 1568x 980 512 1024 x O
- 1568x1176 512 1024 x x
- 1600x1000 256 512 x x
- 1600x1200 256 512 x x
- To avoid cache overflow, the -mmu option may be used to allocate
- the screen buffers with the memory mapped as non-cacheable by
- the ppc.library. E.G.,
- ADoomPPC -width 640 -height 480 -mmu
- allocates the screen buffers for a 640x480 display and makes it
- non-cacheable.
- Music
- =====
- ADoomPPC uses the doomsound.library to play music. If the library
- is not present, or if the MIDIInstruments file cannot be found,
- music is not available in ADoomPPC. The doomsound.library supports
- 16 stereo panned sound effects and 16 channels of stereo music;
- if the library is not present; only 4 channel, non-stereo sound
- effects will be played. To get no sound effects or music, use
- the -nosfx option. To get only sound effects, do not use -nosfx
- and -music; to get sound effects and music, use -music and do not
- use -nosfx.
- The MIDIInstruments file is very big and is in another archive.
- Keyboard
- ========
- The keys are generally mapped the same as on a PC. On the Amiga,
- use '[' or Del for F11, ']' for F12, and Help for Pause.
- The keymap may be customized by changing the .doomrc file.
- The Right Amiga key sends the same code as Ctrl and the Left Amiga
- key is disabled so that Intuition commands (like screen flipping)
- may be done without ADoomPPC trying to use the key.
- By default, the numeric keypad controls the player movement;
- 4, 5, 6 and 8 control movement and turning; 1, 3, 7, and 9
- are used for strafe. '<', ',', '>', and '.' can also be used
- for strafe. All key mappings can be changed in the .doomrc.
- Use the -rawkey option for use of raw keycodes rather than translated
- keycodes.
- Mouse
- =====
- To use the mouse with ADoomPPC, use the -mouse option. This slows
- the game down while enabled.
- CD32 Joypad
- ===========
- If the lowlevel.library is present, the -joypad option enables the
- CD32 joypad for ADoomPPC. Red is Fire, Blue is Action, Yellow is
- Fast, Green is Return, Start/Pause is Esc, and Forward & Reverse
- are strafe.
- SEGA Genesis Controller
- =======================
- To use a SEGA Genesis controller, use the -sega3 option for a three
- button Genesis controller, and the -sega6 option for a six button
- Genesis controller.
- The button mapping is as follows:
- Start = Space (Action)
- A = Strafe Right
- B = Fire
- C = Strafe Left
- On the 6 button controller you also get
- Mode = Esc (Menu)
- X = Return (Enter/Show last message)
- Y = Shift (Fast/Run)
- Z = Tab (Map on/off)
- A Sega Genesis controller may be use on the Amiga as long
- as you swap lines 5 & 7, and put a 470 ohm resistor
- between lines 5 & 7.
- The controller plug pinout is:
- 1 2 3 4 5
- 6 7 8 9
- The best way to switch the lines is to open up the
- controller and change them on the circuit card.
- Note: doing this will make the controller incompatible
- with SEGA equipment; if you make the changes, you
- are on your own; I will not be held responsible for any
- damage incurred by performing the above procedure.
- If you aren't comfortable doing your own conversion
- and don't know anyone who can help, DON'T TRY IT!
- Get yourself a CD32 joypad. This is ONLY for people
- who know what they are doing and want the range of
- controllers available for SEGA equipment.
- Specifying the Screenmode
- =========================
- If you do not want the ASL screenmode requester every time you run
- ADoomPPC, you can specify the screenmode you want using the -screenmode
- option. E.G.,
- ADoomPPC -screenmode $40420007
- If you are not sure what the screenmode ID is, run ADoomPPC without
- the -screenmode option, select the screenmode you wish to use, then
- check the mode ID printed to ADoomPPC's output window or the CLI if
- you ran it from a CLI.
- Memory
- ======
- ADoomPPC automatically caches game information in a memory block
- allocated when the program is run. The default is to try to allocate
- 6MB of RAM. You can override this with the -heapsize option. E.G.,
- ADoomPPC -heapsize 2048
- runs ADoomPPC with 2048KB (or 2MB for those not familiar with base
- 16); selecting less memory makes ADoomPPC go to the harddrive more
- often, slowing down gameplay; selecting too little memory may cause
- the game to error out.
- FPS Counter
- ===========
- Use the -fps option to get a frames-per-second display in the upper
- right hand corner of the display. This shows the speed of rendering
- at that particular moment. The proper way to get the average speed
- of DOOM is to do the following:
- ADoomPPC -forcedemo -timedemo demo3
- with the DOOM window set to 2 steps below maximum. The speed is
- calculated using the formula:
- FPS = gameticks / realticks * 35
- My 150MHz 603e+ gets about 28 FPS on my Spectrum card, and about 31
- FPS on my CV3D card.
- Remember, the FPS Counter will not be accurate if the bus clock is
- not set to the proper value.
- Rotating Map and Map On Heads Up Display
- ========================================
- Use the -maponhu option to have the automap displayed on the main 3D
- view window, and use the -rotatemap option to have the automap rotate
- as the player turns.
- You can toggle through various map types by pressing 'z' while the map
- is displayed.
- DeHackEd
- ========
- DeHackEd is a PC program that patches certain internal tables inside
- DOOM so that certain effects can be achieved; these include, a rapid
- fire shotgun, floating barrels, and many other things.
- ADoomPPC supports the use of DeHackEd configuration files; they have
- a .DEH extension on them. To use them, use the -deh option. E.G.,
- Many DEH files are available on the net. Not all the features in DeHackEd
- are supported. Do not bug me about any additional features you want; I have
- neither the time nor the inclination to add more features. The original
- author of the DeHackEd support is Cyril Deble <Cyril.Deble@inforoute.cgs.fr>.
- Bug him about it. :^}
- NetWorking
- ==========
- ADoomPPC supports three types of networking: TCP/IP, IPX, and raw null-
- modem. I have not had the chance to test these yet.
- ADoomPPC generates ALOT of network traffic, so use a fast connection.
- Having one slow machine connected slows everyone down.
- The following is from the ADoom readme by Peter McGavin:
- -------
- AmiTCP networking in ADoom is based on the Linux DOOM source code. It
- works between Amigas and also with Linux PCs using TCP/IP on a fast
- network. You need either AmiTCP or Miami on your Amiga for it to
- work. Make sure you are using a recent version of AmiTCP or Miami.
- Fast Amigas and a fast connection help a lot too. It's best over
- ethernet and OK over AmigaLink. It works over a serial line with SLIP
- or PPP too, but people with 68030s reported unplayably poor
- performance.
- TCP/IP does not work to PCs running MSDOS or Win95, unless perhaps you
- can find a PC version of DOOM compiled from the Linux source code
- which supports TCP/IP. Several people told me Win95Doom TCP/IP does
- not work with ADoom.
- To start ADoom across 2 computers called fred and bob, say:
- 1: Make certain both computers are using identical WAD files;
- 2: Make certain you can PING fred from bob and vice versa;
- 3: On bob, enter: "ADoom -net 1 fred"
- 4: On fred, enter: "ADoom -net 2 bob"
- If there are 3 computers, called fred, bob and sue, say:
- 1: Make certain all 3 computers are using identical WAD files;
- 2: Make certain you can PING between all computers by name;
- 3: On bob, enter: "ADoom -net 1 fred sue"
- 4: On fred, enter: "ADoom -net 2 bob sue"
- 5: On sue, enter: "ADoom -net 3 fred bob"
- It's normal for screens to go blank sometimes during the startup phase.
- On Linux I used DOOM compiled from the source code available from:
- ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/idgames/idstuff/source/doomsrc.zip
- I don't know whether other Linux DOOM implementations are compatible.
- So far I have tested up to 3 computers. The code is pretty untested
- and your mileage may vary.
- IPX:
- ----
- IPX is the ethernet protocol used by MSDOS versions of DOOM. ADoom
- uses G.J.Peltenburg's amipx.library version 1.1 or higher for IPX.
- You can get this library from Aminet. After several evenings of
- struggling with the library and with checksums and
- big-endian/little-endian problems and with version number problems,
- the protocol finally seems to work, sort of...
- Unfortunately I did not foresee another problem. The PC version of
- the DOOM program I've tried so far does not exactly match Linux DOOM,
- even when using exactly the same WAD file. In my experience, the game
- often gets out of sync (consistency failure) or quits unexpectedly.
- So far I've only used DOOM2 version 1.666 on the PC. Perhaps version
- 1.9 would work better, because that's the PC version recommended for
- net-play with MacDOOM.
- Between 2 fast Amigas, ADoom with IPX works reasonably well using
- a2065.device. Hopefully it also works using ariadne.device and other
- Sana2 ethernet devices.
- First you should install G.J.Peltenburg's amipx.library version 1.1 or
- higher (from Aminet) and configure your Network number, Node, Device
- driver, Unit number and Frame Type in amipx_prefs. I use the Frame
- Type "Ethernet 802.2" and just set everything else to 0.
- Note that you need amipx.library at least version 1.1. Version 1.0
- doesn't work. (Well, v1.0 might work with ariadne.device...)
- The syntax for starting ADoom with IPX is:
- ADoom -netipx <number-of-nodes>
- For example:
- ADoom -netipx 2
- ADoom automatically waits until the number of nodes specified are
- found on the local ethernet, then starts the game. You should all
- specify the same number of nodes and you should all use the same WAD
- files and other options.
- So far I have tested up to 2 Amigas and 1 PC all at once. The code is
- pretty untested and your mileage may vary.
- If you try IPX between an Amiga and a PC, there are 2 more options you
- MUST know about.
- The -pcchecksum option tells ADoom to calculate net packet checksums
- the same way the PC version does. By default, ADoom calculates net
- packet checksums the same way Linux DOOM does, which is different.
- (Linux DOOM just sets the net packet checksum to 0.) If you don't use
- -pcchecksum, the PC will reject and ignore (nearly) all game packets.
- The -forceversion <number> option fools a PC into thinking you are
- running a particular version of DOOM. I use -forceversion 106 with
- DOOM2 version 1.666, for example. The default is -forceversion 110
- for version 1.10. PC DOOM rejects any DOOM program that identifies
- itself as a different version number. Sorry I don't know an easy way
- of working out what number you need after -forceversion to impersonate
- a particular version of PC DOOM. Try -forceversion 109 with DOOM2
- version 1.9, perhaps.
- I'm very interested to know your experiences with ADoom between PCs
- and Amigas using IPX.
- I'm told ADoom works with MacDOOM over IPX too, by the way.
- Thanks to G.J.Peltenburg for sending me the freely available IPX
- support source code from ID Software's ftp site, after modifying it
- for his amipx.library.
- ------------------
- So many people requested a raw null-modem protocol that I sat down and
- implemented it for version 0.9. Well it was mainly an exercise to
- prepare myself for IPX.
- It only works between 2 Amigas with the serial ports connected by a
- null-modem cable. It uses 7-wire CTS/RTS handshaking, so a simple
- 3-conductor cable won't work. I'm pretty sure null-modem won't work
- between an Amiga and a PC, because I made no attempt to match the
- protocol. In other words, it requires 2 Amigas.
- I suppose it would work between 2 Amigas over a telephone line with
- modems. You would need to manually dial and make the connection
- first. Then you would need to shutdown the connection program before
- starting ADoom. The Hayes modem command at&d0 might be useful for
- leaving the modem on-line between shutting down the connection program
- and starting ADoom.
- The ADoom syntax is:
- ADoom -netserial <node-number> <serialdevice> <unit> <speed>
- For example, you could enter:
- ADoom -netserial 1 serial.device 0 38400
- on one Amiga and
- ADoom -netserial 2 serial.device 0 38400
- on the other. One of the Amigas is always node 1 and the other one
- is always node 2.
- It is not necessary to use serial.device. In fact artser.device or
- 8n1.device, if you have them, probably work more reliably or at higher
- speeds than serial.device.
- I think you should use the highest speed that both Amigas cope with.
- My experience is that 38400 is about the limit for 68030 Amigas. My
- 68040 WarpEngine works OK with artser.device at 57600. If you set the
- speed too high, ADoom will probably behave erratically or lock-up
- after a while. If you set the speed too low, I suspect the game will
- run only very slowly.
- The game tends to slow right down when there are lots of active
- monsters anyway. Try -deathmatch -nomonsters perhaps.
- I recommend you start ADoom on node 2 first. That's because node 2 is
- the "listener" during the setup phase. If you start ADoom on node 1
- first, ADoom on node 2 is likely to open serial.device while node 1 is
- part way through sending a setup packet. That could lead to
- synchronisation problems and possible lockups.
- --------------------
- Several people reported their net games ended unexpectedly with a
- message like: "Error: consistency failure (24805 should be 24806)"
- What's going on is that DOOM calculates a kind of checksum of the
- game's status --- player and monster positions and that kind of thing
- --- and sends it to all the other players in every net packet. If all
- the programs and WADs are identical, then they all calculate exactly
- the same checksum. However, if someone is using a slightly different
- WAD version or an incompatible version of DOOM, then a monster might
- be one more pixel to the left, say, and the result is "consistency
- failure".
- The test is very precise. All net nodes must run compatible versions
- of DOOM and all must use exactly the same WAD file and game options.
- To be compatible, 2 versions of DOOM must provide exactly the same
- features. Furthermore, they must use exactly the same random number
- generator and they must round arithmetic calculations exactly the same
- way.
- I have to be careful adding new features to ADoom. For example, I
- can't use the random number generator for anything new, nor can I add
- any new features that might change player and monster positions. If I
- optimise anything, I can't make any approximations. Otherwise ADoom
- definitely won't work with PC DOOM any more. Please keep this in mind
- if you send me source code for inclusion in ADoom.
- (The ideal solution would be to compile DOOM for all different
- platforms, MSDOS, Win95, Mac, Linux, Amiga, PSX,... from a single
- source. Then new features can be added simultaneously on all
- platforms. Now there's a job for someone...)
- I suspect "consistency failure" might also happen if you get network
- errors, such as serial line overruns. Try lowering your serial line
- speed, and make sure hardware handshaking is working properly. Also,
- if you all specify -pcchecksum things might be more reliable. That's
- because the default Linux net packet checksum isn't really a checksum
- at all. It's always 0. So any errors in the net packet are not
- detected unless you all use -pcchecksum. (The net packet checksum is
- different to the consistency checksum.)
- In the above, substitute ADoomPPC for ADoom. I was too lazy to
- retype all the above. :^}
- Picasso96
- =========
- ADoomPPC should work with the Picasso96 API as long as you don't
- specify -directcgx. In fact, -directcgx slows down ADoomPPC, so
- don't use it unless you like running slower. :^}
- Note from Jarmo Laakkonen:
- At least on my setup (603e-240MHz+BVision) directcgx is faster.
- ChunkyPPC is even faster than -directcgx when setting lockingmode
- to 0.
- Graffiti
- ========
- The Graffiti card is not yet supported, but I have written drivers
- for it for something else, so expect it in some revision of ADoomPPC.
- WorkBench
- =========
- Tooltypes are currently not supported in the WarpOS version of ADoomPPC.
- It can be started from workbench, but the tooltypes will be ignored.
- If you use ELFLoadSeg (and you should), ADoomPPC can be run from Workbench.
- To get the options, set the tooltypes EXACTLY like if you were using it
- from a CLI. E.G., if the CLI line is
- ADoomPPC -forcedemo -music -joypad -screenmode $40420007
- the tooltypes should be
- -forcedemo
- -music
- -joypad
- -screenmode
- $40420007
- Options that take a value directly after them should have that value
- in the tooltype IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING the tooltype specifying the option
- (see -screenmode option above).
- Bugs
- ====
- Peter McGavin reports that the IPX only works in ADoomPPC if the PPC
- machine is the sender (lowest address on network).
- You get one column of crap on the far left in the view for resolutions
- wider than 320; some resolutions don't put the border patch between the
- view and the status bar.
- As far as I can tell, a bug in ppc.library v45.17 causes allocating
- memory as non-cacheable not to work. I am working with Phase 5
- to fix the problem in a future revision of the library. Until
- then, stick to a resolution that has an O next to it for your
- processor type. Peter McGavin reports that this option DOES work
- on his brother's 604 PPC Amiga; you'll just have to try it on your
- own system to see if it works for you.
- Also under v45.17, on my PPC (the developer card for the Mark 2 060),
- ADoomPPC crashes if the PPC accesses memory at certain locations. Use
- the -heapsize option to lower memory if ADoomPPC crashes while doing
- the R_Init routine (watch the cli output).
- Both problems are probably PPC MMU mapping bugs in ppc.library.
- WWW Sites
- =========
- There are several web pages specialising in DOOM for the Amiga. Some
- good ones are:
- http://adoom.ml.org/ has about 6 other Amiga DOOM ports
- http://surf.to/adoom/ fast mirror of http://adoom.ml.org/
- http://homepages.which.net/~bartlett/ the Amiga DOOM Bible
- http://hem2.passagen.se/sids/adoom/ an ADoom-only page
- http://www.balldesi.demon.co.uk/ for the latest speed benchmarks
- http://www.boehme.demon.co.uk/aliens.html some tested 3rd party WADs
- http://fiction.pb.owl.de/~frank/ for another PPC port of ADoom
- and Aminet, of course.
- History
- =======
- 1.4 July 19, 2000
- Added an WarpOS version with chunkyppc support. The WarpOS version supports
- everything except tooltypes. Fixed the pll calculation code in the PowerUP
- version. Fixed a possible crash under AGA.
- 1.3 April 9, 1998
- Added native AGA support with triple buffering; I get 24 FPS under
- NTSC Low-Res 320x200 and 9 FPS under NTSC High-Res 608x380. Fixed
- problem with the sky not being vertically centered. Made ADoomPPC
- save games compatible with the 68K version; this makes it incompatible
- with ADoomPPC 1.2.x version save games. Fixed problem with doom-
- sound.library.060; you may or may not have noticed any trouble on
- ADoomPPC, but 060 versions of DOOM had trouble with it.
- 1.2.6 April 6, 1998
- First public release. Added -waddir option. Fixed PCX screenshot header.
- 1.2.5 April 5, 1998
- Not publicly released. Finally fixed AMIPX.
- 1.2.3 April 3, 1998
- Not publicly released. Made another fix for AMIPX. Now using
- ppc.library to set the bus clock instead of using a fixed default.
- Prints cpu type, cpu clock, PLL divisor, and bus clock on startup.
- 1.2.1 April 2, 1998
- Not publicly released. Fixed a minor problem with low detail spans.
- 1.2 March 31, 1998
- Not publicly released. ADoomPPC uses the doomsound.library based
- on the ADoom_SndSrvr by yours truely. Fixed the clipped sfx problem
- in the sound server and reversed the channels (had them backwards).
- Fixed low detail problem with the Linux DOOM C code. Tried PPC
- assembly for R_DrawColumn and found it was only 10 ticks faster;
- went back to C code for column rendering.
- Added -bus to set the bus clock for different PPC systems.
- Added -mmu to allocate screen buffers as non-cacheable. Thanks
- to Peter McGavin for all his work on PPC caches.
- Acknowledgements
- ================
- My thanks go to Peter McGavin for one of the finest ports of DOOM
- for the Amiga, and for making the code available so that I could do
- this version for the PPC.
- My thanks go to Peter's brother for getting a PPC for his Amiga
- so that Peter could beta test ADoomPPC for me; especially all the
- networking.
- My thanks go to Frank Wille for hints on linking and using PASM.
- Thanks also go to the people who contributed to certain features in
- ADoom/ADoomPPC to help make it extra special. You'll find them in
- the source code archives of both ADoom and ADoomPPC. If you contibuted
- and want credit in this readme, email me. :^}
- Thanks to John Carmack and ID Software for one of the best games ever!